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  • jyanik77


I talked to the Lord about hell, asking why it was necessary for people to suffer in hell forever, when they had done evil while they were on the earth for only the length of their lifetime, say 20,50,80 years...but hell is forever, billions of years!

What came to mind was the concept of...when a person does evil, and it affects another person or other people, it changes them forever... in a negative or evil way. That person or those people, in turn, affect other people in a less positive or maybe even an evil way. And those people will affect other people...and so on. (Think of it like throwing a stone into a pond, and seeing the ripples go out in all directions.) Evil is like that... it will continue to reverberate out through layers of people, and will continue thru generation to generation, through all eternity.

That sin, or evil continues thru eternity, and, if not under the Blood of Jesus, needs to be paid for...thru all eternity. Hell is that paying for all eternity.


Good deeds (plus smiles, nice comments, kindness, etc.) affect people in a good way...and these also continue thru all eternity... : )

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